Meghnad Desai Board of Director, VISHWAS, Professor Emeritus, London School of Economics
It is unbelievable now how things were when we started. In a village somewhere in Gurgaon, there were those few children and the brave people who had dedicated themselves to their education. We did not think then what the future will bring. But the local families came and showed us their support. Then it was clear that there was a need, a large unfulfilled demand for what the school was doing. Here we are ten years later in a big building with a playground. There are rooms for different groups and room for everyone to grow. But there is much more to be done. There always is. But then we know from what we have been through, that the future is bright. Let it come. We will be ready.
Anjali Kapoor Bissell Board of Director, VISHWAS, Management Consultant
VISHWAS’ ten years remarkable journey has been the result of a deep and abiding commitment made by Neelam and her team. They have worked quietly and tirelessly in building a loving and caring institution that truly embodies inclusive education. I feel very privileged to have played a small part in this journey which all began from the numerous health camps in the village Saanp ki Nagli in Gurgaon. I am confident that, in the next ten years, VISHWAS will set new standards for inclusive education and training.
Mrs. Surina Rajan IAS, Haryana
A dream which brings smile to hundreds of faces when realized is a dream worth pursuing! The story of “VISHWAS” through last ten years is a journey of hope, belief and success. Beginning as an idea which found its origin in the sensitivity and tenderness of its founding members, it has been nurtured with great care by the full time efforts made by its chairperson and her dedicated team. It began as an institution exclusively for children with special needs. Gradually, in line with the latest national policy on the subject as also enshrined in the Right to Education Act it has re-invented itself into an inclusive education school. Nature does not provide any special needs setting and this is the basis of creating inclusive environments. Untiring efforts of VISHWAS has helped create education and training, infrastructure which is a perfect setting for grooming children with special needs both for academic qualifications and skills needed for work place. The mission begins with functional education of the children and ends with their integration in the work place as per the education and skills that they acquire. The School has also emerged as an excellent training set up for teachers, parents, and community at large in the nearby villages and urban habitations. I was fortunate to have been associated with it in several ways. I hope that the VISHWAS leadership will continue to achieve all goals and milestones that it has set for itself. Their efforts are reflective of their deep commitment to the cause. The vigour and energy of their actions help them in translating their vision into concrete reality. I wish them all success in their future endeavours.
Prof. Michael Lewis Chairman-The Riverston Group, London
My visits to VISHWAS are a truly memorable experience. Having spent nearly all my career supporting children and young adults with additional needs the staff and supporters at VISHWAS were doing a wonderful job with a large number of very deserving youngsters. VISHWAS deserve far greater support from corporates with a strong social conscience, and I was delighted to recently make a modest financial donation in support of their sterling work. I wish all my friends at VISHWAS every possible success in their unstinting support for those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
Lekha Poddar Founder-Devi Art Foundation
VISHWAS is truly an organization, which gives assurance, belief and faith, to people from all backgrounds, who have children with disabilities. We all assume that such children cannot do all the things that normal children can. Maybe, they cannot? But with encouragement and support these children can become part of our society. At VISHWAS they study, participate in sports and various cultural activities. When I first went to the school in Gurgaon, I saw children throwing tantrums, leaving their classroom and wandering around, rushing to the garden. But with cajoling, love, care and attention from the dedicated staff, how well they responded. What VISHWAS has achieved in such a short time is truly amazing. Congratulations on behalf of us people, who believe in VISHWAS and its amazing team.
Lt. Gen (Retd) Ian Cardozo Former Chairperson Rehabilitation Council of India
I remember the day when you first started when you had virtually nothing except your courage, trust and faith in God. Today you are one of the best NGOs taking care of Children with disabilities. Keep it up and may God bless all your endeavours.
Arun Shourie Member Advisory Board, VISHWAS,
Journalist, Author and PoliticianWhen Neelam first came to the building which today houses VISHWAS, the carcass of a dog was lying in what was to be the Principal’s room. Today, VISHWAS is a beacon of hope for so many children with special needs, and, for them as well as for other children, a fount of education. Children with disabilities who would have languished hidden behind walls in homes are today playing, laughing, learning—on tablets. Similarly, as children without disabilities learn alongside ones with disabilities, as they play and make friends with them, they receive an education not just about the 3 “R’s”, they receive an education about and for life. I said that VISHWAS has become a reason for hope and a fount of education for the children. That is only a part of the truth. It has become a reason for hope for all of us—it is a living example that, in spite of the obstacles that we keep throwing in each other’s path, it is still possible to do good work in India. And it is a fount of education too for all of us—the dedication and spirit of service with which Neelam and her colleagues are running the institution is an example for us all.
ओ. पी जैन Founder- Sanskriti Foundation
पहले काम फिर नाम – नीलम ने विशेष बच्चों को सक्षम बनाने का तथा उनको सामान्य बच्चों के साथ एक कतार में खड़ा करने का कार्य पहले से ही शुरू कर दिया था, बीज बोने जैसा जब अंकुर निकला तब फिर संस्था का नाम रखने का सोचा.
करीब सात-आठ नामों की लिस्ट थी, मैने विश्वास नाम पर जोर दिया, उसका कारण नीलम की निष्ठा तथा अपने कार्य के प्रति विश्वास था.
संस्था का सारा प्रयास बच्चों में इस विश्वास की ज्योति जलना ही तो है,बच्चों में अपने भविष्य के लिए विश्वास, उनके माता-पिता में विश्वास कि उनके बच्चे किसी से कम नहीं है. किसी कमी का पूरक बनना ही अपने में बहुत बड़ा कार्य है.
जो संस्था छोटे से प्रयास से शुरू होकर धीरे-धीरे ऊंचाइयों तक पहुँचती है, वह स्थाई भी होती है.
नीलम के विष्वास को साधुवाद.
Dr. G. Anupama IAS , Haryana
A very fair and equally frail person walked in to my office. ……We spoke and within minutes, her thoughts bowled me. We all heard Service to Man is service to God. She did not have any thing in hand except an unflinching dedication and a passion to serve children who had different physical and cognitive difficulties compounded with financial difficulties of their parents…… Her concern was to include them and provide equal opportunity for them in society. This meeting happened a little more than ten years ago in my office at Haryana Bhavan, New Delhi……….. We had several discussions and her thoughts took shape, not before her innumerous visits to different departments, personally moving from desk to desk to persuade and pursue her noble cause. She waited patiently outside the dirty government offices, explaining her cause diligently to the largely insensitive sarkari babus, often silently suffering the high handedness of ill – informed officers. She was not asking for funds from government. She just wanted to sensitise offices and officers to the services she was willing to offer. Not once did she complain……. Today there are 300 children looked after at VISHWAS, Gurgaon by Neelam Jolly. VISHWAS has focused programs by way of education and knowledge dissipation( dissemination). Adult training programs, community based programs are conducted. Several research and development programs are conceived and achieved. The outreach activities beyond the SEN are exemplary. VISHWAS today is an established example of inclusive education and rehabilitation of children with special needs. It gives me immense satisfaction and I thank God for the opportunity he bestowed on me to be a small cog in the wheel of this noble service…… I wish Neelam Jolly and VISHWAS the very best and pray God continues to give them strength and timely support.
Poonam Natarajan Founder- Vidya Sagar, Chennai, Former Chairperson, The National Trust
Many Congratulations to Team VISHWAS for ten years of incredible work. May you all grow from strength to strength. It has been absolutely fascinating to see how you have put together excellent facilities to serve children with and without disabilities, a wonderful example of what we mean by inclusive education.
It has been amazing to see how you refurbished a vandalised building, which was also being used as a community toilet, to become such an innovative facility. Most impressive use of local resources, which otherwise would have decayed and completely wasted. It is now so very welcoming and looks like a very happy place to nurture and educate children.
The VISHWAS anthem always brings a smile on every face, very inspiring, I love it. It’s good to see that you are also doing community based rehabilitation and research and training. Very vital areas of work.
My good wishes are with each one of you, to take you forward in the coming years.
To Neelam Jolly, Geeta Chaturvedi, all the staff, volunteers, students and parents do keep the VISHWAS flag flying high. Wish you many more laurels and great energy to continue this wonderful work. Here’s to the next decade.